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(c) Copyright 1991-1992, FM de Monasterio
Licensed Material - All rights reserved
Release 1.30
UMAx allows for the testing of a number of services of the extended memory
manager, which implements the extended memory specification in 80286-based
or higher machines. The testing includes upper-memory block services, and
provides a list of the size and address of available upper-memory blocks.
Irrespective of the CPU, DOS runs in an 8086-compatible mode known as real
mode. In such a mode, where addressable memory is seen as consisting of a
series of 64-kb segments, memory addresses are made up of two portions: A
16-bit 'segment,' between 0 and 65,535 (or FFFF in hexadecimal), and a 16-
bit 'offset,' which is the distance in bytes (between 0 and FFFF) from the
address to the first byte of the segment. By modifying the segment:offset
values, up to 1 Mb of memory can be addressed.
In all 80x86 CPU-based DOS computers, the first megabyte (i.e. 1024 kb) of
memory comprises the initial 640 kb of address space, used by DOS, and the
remaining 384 kb of address space, used by hardware subsystems and by BIOS
routines. The lower 640-kb space is called 'conventional' memory, and the
upper 384-kb space is called the Upper Memory Area (UMA). The UMA is also
referred to as 'upper' or 'high-DOS' memory.
┌── Conventional RAM ──┬────── UMA ──────┌── Extended ──∙∙∙
0 kb 640 kb 1024 kb
│ │ │ EMBs
The extended memory specification (XMS) is a software interface for 80286-
based or higher computers, allowing real-mode programs to use the extended
memory as well as certain regions of conventional memory which are located
above the 640-kb DOS hardware barrier. The UMA is one such region.
The UMA is dedicated to video display and other hardware memory as well as
the ROM BIOS. Not all the UMA is normally used, so unused addresses can be
backfilled with a memory manager. Some XMS managers, such as the prototype
HIMEM.SYS, rely on other programs for the backfilling and simply arbitrate
use of memory blocks in the UMA (UMBs). Other XMMs, such as XMS-compatible
386-type memory managers, can both backfill the UMA and arbitrate UMB use.
Examples of such managers are QEMM386 (Quarterdeck) and 386MAX (Qualitas).
Current XMS versions provide two UMB services: (1) Function 10h, which can
be used to allocate a UMB of the requested size (if successful returns the
segment base of the allocated block and the actual UMB size; otherwise, it
returns the largest available block size), and (2) function 11h, which can
be used to free the allocated UMBs. By taking advantage of such services,
some resident programs can install themselves in upper memory (to preserve
the conventional memory used by DOS), and later remove themselves from the
Distributed MS-DOS and PC-DOS versions prior to MS-DOS 5.0 did not control
UMB allocation. When the (DOS-5 distributed) XMM driver HIMEM.SYS and the
UMB-provider EMM386.EXE are installed, and DOS 5.0 is reconfigured via the
command 'DOS=UMB' in the CONFIG.SYS file, all available UMBs are allocated
to DOS, thus linking the UMA to the operating system. If the UMA has been
linked, DOS allocates the UMBs via standard interrupt-21h function calls.
Under DR-DOS 6.0 or (if DOS controls UMA allocation) MS-DOS or PC-DOS 5.0,
both device drivers and resident programs can be loaded in the UMA via the
commands HIDEVICE or DEVICEHIGH for drivers and HIINSTALL and LOADHIGH for
for resident utilities. Loading in UMA is provided by XMS-compatible 386-
memory managers as well. (Finally, some resident utilities can also self-
install themselves in the UMA when UMB allocation is controlled by the XMS
manager or by MS-DOS or PC-DOS 5.0.)
UMAx tests the UMB services of the XMS manager by progressively allocating
smaller blocks until no more free UMBs are available in the UMA, lists all
of the allocated UMBs, and then deallocates the blocks. It also provides a
graphic display of the available UMBs.
In the default mode, UMAx tests UMB functions between the lower address of
640 kb (hexadecimal segment A000) and the upper address of 1,024 kb (hexa-
decimal segment FFFF). A higher lower address can be specified via switch
/H (see below).
Optionally, UMAx can also test some basic XMS services: (1) allocation and
release of the HMA, (2) global and local enabling and disabling of the A20
Line, and (3) allocation, resizing, and release of a extended memory block
UMAX [/Hn /X] [;Comments]
where switch Hn defines use of a hexadecimal address to be used as a lower
boundary for the UMA, in which A000 (640 kb) ≤ 'n' ≤ FFFF (1,024 kb). If a
null ('n' missing) or invalid address is given (A000 > 'n' > FFFF) the UMA
lower boundary of A000 is used.
Switch X tests basic non-UMB services of the XMS.
Comments may be added at the end of the command line invoking the program,
after the desired switches. The comments, which may help clarifying batch
files, must be preceded by a semicolon (;) and are ignored by UMAx.
Do not use the redirection command or the pipe command character of DOS in
these comments because DOS will try to implement the implied command(s).
Prior versions of UMAx may cancel execution and return an error message in
the following cases:
1. Revisions of MS-DOS 5.0 which improperly set the carry flag of the
CPU if the DOS-5 function 'Get MS-DOS Version' is called. This is
the case of Revision B of MS-DOS 5. (Use the undocumented command
VER /R at the DOS prompt to determine the revision of DOS 5.)
2. Versions of the memory manager 386MAX.SYS which improperly set the
carry flag and do not clear register AL of the CPU if the function
'Get Upper-Memory Link' of DOS 5 is called and either MS-DOS or PC
DOS 5.00 is installed (any revision). This is the case of version
6.01 of this manager. (This problem can be fixed with the utility
FIXLINK.EXE distributed by the author.)
5.1 "Code is corrupted (CRC failure) - Execution cancelled"
A cyclical redundancy check carried out every time the program is executed
returned a wrong value, indicating corruption or tampering of the code.
5.2 "Failed to detect presence of an XMS manager (XMM)"
An XMS manager complying with the specifications of XMS 2 or higher is not
5.3 "UMB services not implemented [XMS error code 80h]"
The installed XMS manager does support UMB services or cannot backfill the
unused addresses in the UMA.
5.4 "General driver error [XMS error code 8Eh]"
5.5 "Unrecoverable driver error [XMS error code 8Fh]"
5.6 "Undetermined XMM error [XMS error code ??h]"
The XMS manager experienced a fatal error and program execution cannot be
continued. The problem may be cleared by rebooting the CPU.
5.7 "XMM could not allocate UMB [XMS error code B1h]"
The XMS manager was unable to allocate a requested UMB; reboot the CPU to
reset the UMA allocation.
5.8 "XMM could not release UMB [XMS error code B2h]"
The XMS manager was unable to release an allocated UMB; reboot the CPU to
reset the UMA allocation.
5.9 "UMBs are not available above this segment..."
There are no available free UMBs between the hexadecimal segment specified
above and segment FFFF; if a lower boundary was specified via switch H for
the UMA, try using a smaller (lower) value. See section 4.1.
This documentation, programs, and other files distributed in this software
package (the "Software") are the copyrighted property of FM de Monasterio
(the "Author") who provides the Software and licenses its use. All rights
are reserved.
If you would like to use this Software for education or nonprofit purposes
at home, please make a donation for poor children in need of medical care,
sending to the address below a check marked "For Deposit Only" and payable
to "PATIENT CARE FUND, CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL, Washington DC." All donations
are sent to this hospital. (Please indicate the program for which you are
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The unauthorized copying, decompiling or disassembling of this Software is
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The Author makes no warranty, either implied or expressed, including with-
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All other warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but
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By using the Software, you acknowledge (1) to have read and understood all
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provisions without any reservation.
FM de Monasterio
P.O. Box 219
Cabin John, MD 20818-0219
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